Friday, September 21, 2012

What a crappy dinner

I spent all day baking muffins as we all know by now and I was very excited to make dinner. It was going to be grilled lamb shoulder, garlic mashpotatoes and whatever vegetable was ripe and ready from the garden. Instead, due to those who share a different pallet than I, wanted seafood. I will never argue with that! We had shrimp and scallops available and I was very excited to pan sear the scallops and cook some spinach and sprinkle some crushed hazelnuts over the top. You French foodies will know that this wonderful dish is called Scallops Maison Blanche. It is a wonderful French dish and very simple to make. I was then going to make a shimp coctail (because Russ bought already cooked shrimp in a bag) with a dipping sauce. The only ingredient we did not have was spinach. I asked Russ to go to the store and get me two spinach bunches. I said, " please do not get the kind in a package. Get the bunches from the produce section." Of course, he got one package of spinach and it was the small plastic shell. That means I have no spinach because once it is cooked, it reduces down to nothing. I am tired from baking all day and I cannot think creatively, so I end up just cooking the scallops, shrimp and spinach all together and just giving it to them with the potatoes. I didnt even eat any. I am feeling a little moody today and didn't want to deal with it. However, I am really upset that my dinner did not turn out the way I wanted it. I was so excited to cook and then all these other things started going on and I just needed spinach and apparently that was too much for him to handle. I gave him plently of crap for it already. Yes, Russ. Next time I need spinach I will just go to the store myself. Thanks for telling me I can do that. I suppose the next time you want dinner you can heat up a can of chilli. Goodnight

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